A Memorial Celebration for John Whitfield

Many of you will have known and worked with John Whitfield – alongside him as an extraordinary bassoonist, or under his baton in one of the many outstandingly creative events he led from the early 1980s onwards.
After a long decline, John died at Trinity Hospice late on Monday 4th November – a day filled with music, especially Bach, in the company of his very good friend Will Casson-Smith, and in the evening Jane Salmon, who played Bach’s cello music to him on behalf of all his friends.
John was totally himself to the last, both his wicked wit and his devotion to music shining through all that he had to contend with. His last creative act was to conjure up a concert at the Wigmore Hall, which took place on Thursday 5th December. A distinguished line-up of musicians performed two new arrangements by John, for winds and double bass, of Bartók and Brahms, surrounding a performance of Bach’s Chaconne for solo violin by Krysia Osostowicz.
Further details are available here.