Please submit articles, news of interest, obituaries, and other items to be considered for print via email. The editor will respond to discuss subject matter, length, and so on.
Research and analysis-based articles should be the author’s own original work, and present fresh perspectives on topics of pertinence to the Society’s membership.
The magazine is also interested in receiving writing which focuses on practical advice and personal reflections on double reed-related topics.
Submissions which further the Society’s commitment to championing and celebrating diversity, equality, and inclusion in the worldwide double-reed community are particularly welcome.
The preferred file formats are .doc .docx or Pages (Mac).
Articles in English should use British English.
All quoted material should be documented in endnotes (not footnotes).
Thesis/document/treatise chapters should be adequately introduced and closed so as to stand alone as a magazine article.
Articles should include the author’s name and, when possible, a high-resolution digital photograph of the author.
Specific fonts and/or spacing are not required, as articles will be reformatted for printing.
Accompanying graphics/photographs should be the highest available resolution.
Graphics/photographs, with appropriate captions and credits, should be sent as separate attachments but can also be embedded in the text file.
Articles should be accompanied by a cover letter stating that the material contained in your submission 1) is the author’s original work and 2) is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Confirmation of receipt will be sent via email. Authors should expect to be informed of the status of their submission, and be prepared to be involved in the editing process.
The four-monthly deadlines are for consideration for print in that particular issue; however, authors are encouraged to submit their materials at any time. Submission of materials does not guarantee publication. Submission of materials by a quarterly deadline does not guarantee publication in that edition.
The editor reserves the right to edit all articles for style, content or space requirements.
Submission of Recordings and Books for Review
Review word counts are generally between 400 and 600, exceptionally longer.
Submitted materials will not be returned.
Deadlines for receiving texts are:
15th December (publication 15th February)
15th April (publication 15th June)
15th August (publication 15th October)
Copyright and Sharing
The BDRS retains all copyright on articles published in Double Reed News; however, if requested before publication, authors may retain copyright and it will be noted. Unauthorised sharing on websites or social media of content originally published in Double Reed News is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, partial/full screenshots of published content, partial/full PDFs of published content, and links to electronic files or web pages containing published content. Reprint/posting rights for print journals or academic websites may be obtained by contacting the editor. Members may download a PDF of the complete publication, but that PDF is for personal use only and may not be shared online or in any other public context.
The BDRS reserves the right to use any materials it publishes to further the mission and membership goals of the Society, including in advertisements and social media postings.
Republishing Guidelines
Republishing of content in Double Reed News is by request to the editor on a case-by-case basis.
Advertisements in BDRS Publications
The British Double Reed Society sells advertising space in Double Reed News to individuals, institutions, and businesses for payment of the current advertising rates. The Society does not attempt to verify the accuracy or reliability of any advertising claims made herein, and does not recommend or endorse any of the products, businesses, or services advertised in the advertising section. Please contact the BDRS Advertising Manager for further information.
Use of the BDRS Logo
The logo of the British Double Reed Society is the exclusive property of the Society and may not be reproduced or used without written permission.