
Double Reed News

Double Reed News is the magazine of the British Double Reed Society.

It is published three times a year and a physical copy is distributed free-of-charge to all BDRS members. Back copies of the magazine are available digitally to anyone here:

Issue 137 (Spring 2024)

Issue 136 (Autumn/Winter 2023)

Issue 135 (Summer 2023)

Issue 134 (Spring 2023)

Issue 133 (Autumn/Winter 2022)

Issue 132 (Summer 2022)

Issue 131 (Spring 2022)

Issue 130 (Winter 2021)

Issue 129 (Summer 2021)

Issue 128 (Spring 2021)

Issue 127 (Autumn/Winter 2020)

Issue 126 (Summer 2020)

Issue 125 (Spring 2020)

Information on advertising rates and copy dates is listed below.

Advertise in Double Reed News

The following rates apply for camera-ready copy. Any additional artwork will be charged at cost. To place an advertisement or obtain further information, please contact the Advertising Manager.

Size (height x width)
Whole page
265 x 190mm
Half page
130 x 190mm or 265 x 92mm
Quarter page*
130 x 92mm or 62 x 190mm
Eighth page**
62 x 92mm
Other sizes by arrangement. Special positions (cover pages) add 10%.
Loose inserts
Up to 8 grams £75.00. Over 8 grams by arrangement.
(max. 50 words)
BDRS members – first 25 words free; £5 for next twelve words; extra words 40p per word.
Non-members – first 12 words £5.00; extra words 40p per word.
(Classified adverts are limited to one advert per advertiser per issue of DRN)

*10% discount for BDRS members.
**15% discount for BDRS members.

Copy requirements: Photographs may be sent digitally, or as prints, or negatives. Layout and text is acceptable but the publishers reserve the right to charge for origination or typesetting. Advertisers will be notified if this is necessary.

Copy deadline: 15th of the months of August (Autumn issue), December (Spring issue), April (Summer issue). The publishers reserve the right to adjust distribution dates to allow notice of meetings and courses.

The Society reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at its discretion without stating a reason, nor does it accept responsibility for omissions, clerical errors, or the statements made by advertisers, although every effort is made to check the bona fides of advertisers and avoid mistakes.