James Turnbull writes about the establishment of this resource:
“The British Double Reed Society is excited to unveil a new initiative to help more budding double reeders across the UK – the BDRS Instrument Bank – launching in 2024. It has been made possible by the kind and generous donation of instruments from our valued BDRS members in recent months.
“At the heart of the Society’s mission lies the commitment to promote double reed instruments and make learning these instruments as accessible as possible. The creation of our Instrument Bank marks a significant step towards realising this goal. We are pleased to take this opportunity to encourage those who possess spare or under-utilised oboes and bassoons to consider donating them to the Instrument Bank. The BDRS is looking to build a collection of instruments encompassing beginner, intermediate, and professional models across the oboe and bassoon families. This diversity ensures that aspiring musicians of all levels will benefit from your generosity and instrumental legacy. By participating in the Instrument Bank, you have the opportunity to empower budding talent, inspire musical aspiration, and contribute to the vibrant double reed community which the BDRS embodies.
“As we look ahead to the launch of the BDRS Instrument Bank in 2024, I invite you to contact me if you have an instrument you would like to consider donating or if you have any questions about the scheme.”