BDRS/RAM Double Reed Celebration October 2024

Sunday 20 October 2024 | 10:00-18:00

Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Rd, LONDON NW1 5HT

What more could you want from a fabulous day of all things double reed?

We’re very pleased to be presenting this event once more, in partnership with the Royal Academy of Music, London!

We’re very grateful to Fraser Gordon and the Academy for again hosting this event – come and enjoy a full day of sessions and performances from the Academy’s double reed professors and students!

Tutors/performers include:

Tom Blomfield – oboe
Julie Price – bassoon
Connie Tanner – bassoon
Fraser Gordon – contrabassoon
Melanie Ragge – oboe
Patrick Flanaghan – cor anglais

In addition to the lunchtime concert there will be performance classes and opportunities to play in tutored ensembles, with the day culminating in a mass play-together, as well as a wide range of instruments and accessories on offer from various traders.

Activities to include:

  • Mass play-together;
  • Reed Clinics – troubleshooting issues with reeds and advice on reed adjusting and making;
  • Sessions on technique and other aspects of performance, including health and wellbeing;
  • Tutored oboe, bassoon, and mixed ensembles;
Ticketing Information

Ticket sales have now ceased.

  BDRS member price £ Non-member price £
School-age/student in full-time education 20 25
Adult 30 40

We strongly recommend that under-18s be accompanied by a parent/carer.
(The parent/carer may attend for free unless participating in their own right.)

A small number of bursary places are available. Please email if you would like information on how to apply.

Observer-only tickets (£10) are for non double reed players (e.g. a partner or additional accompanying parent/carer). (Any participant may observe any session without paying an extra £10 and without the need to reserve a place for the desired session.)