COVID-19 statement
Although Covid restrictions have been reduced we recognise that there remains a risk of infection and transmission at any indoor event with many attendees. We therefore expect some restrictions and guidance to be appropriate to help minimise the risk of transmission. If the situation remains as at present (August 2021) we envisage the following:
- Anyone exhibiting Covid symptoms, testing positive in the ten days before the event, or who has been advised to self-isolate should not attend. Please contact the organisers to arrange a refund.
- Inside the building (unless exempt) please consider wearing a mask except when tutoring or playing in a session/performance group and observe appropriate social distancing throughout the venue.
- Only play your own instrument and reeds. Appointments must be pre-arranged with attending traders to try their instruments.
- Windows will be opened where practical to ensure ventilation so long as temperature and noise levels allow.
Tutors and helpers will be encouraged to undertake a lateral flow self-test on the day before the event and confirm a negative result to organisers.
In the event that national Covid restrictions are increased from those that apply in August 2021 the organisers reserve the right to modify the arrangements, postpone, or even cancel the event. In the case of cancellation or inability to attend a rescheduled event fees will be refunded. The specific restrictions and protocols will be confirmed before the event in the light of the circumstances that prevail.
Safeguarding statement
In organising events where some participants are children:
- BDRS will ensure that all tutors have been checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (basic/standard).
- Organised sessions will not involve a single adult with a child (one-to-one tutoring) without others being present in the room. Sessions will normally be a mix of adults (2+) and children (2+).
- Physical contact by a tutor of all participants/students (particularly children) is to be avoided in instrumental tuition; however, if all other strategies have been exhausted, it may be the professional judgement of the tutor that physical contact is necessary and appropriate. In this circumstance the child/instrumental student must provide prior permission.
- BDRS will provide (a) Safeguarding Lead(s) who will be present at the event and who will be identified to attendees.
- Anyone who becomes aware of a potential safeguarding issue or has a concern while attending a BDRS event should contact the BDRS Safeguarding Lead.
BDRS Safeguarding Leads for BYMT event:
Donal Flynn (BDRS Membership Secretary)
Stephen Fuller (BDRS Treasurer)
Where a parent or carer of a child who wishes to attend a BDRS event has questions about the BDRS approach to safeguarding these should be addressed to the BDRS Safeguarding Lead responsible for the event. Where appropriate, the BDRS can enable a parent or guardian to attend an event with a child participant.